Friday, March 23, 2007

How does one begin "blogging"? I didn't know what the word meant a couple of years ago even though using computers since the Commodore 64 and being connected to the internet for ten years.

I am so thankful that the blogosphere has allowed this old curmudgeon from the upside down part of the world to know that he's not alone in his ponderings. I would like to converse about almost anything, but especially the love of my life the Body of Christ. I want to hear what others think, so, will probably ask many questions.

It was my nervous privilege of preaching, for the first time, at the age of seventeen, and then sporadically until twenty-five, and for most of the fourty-three ensuing years. The older I get the more concerned I am that the simplicity that is in Christ is being drowned by a web of sophistication, ambition, and ecclesiastical formalism, which is quenching the Holy Spirit. I am concerned that many leaders seem to have the idea that our immutable God has lost His power to still do the amazing deeds of yesteryear, that somehow the days of the Great Reformation were a full stop instead of an exclamation mark!


Alan Knox said...


You said: "I am concerned that many leaders seem to have the idea that our immutable God has lost His power to still do the amazing deeds of yesteryear..." I hope you will help us learn how to get out of the way so we can see God do "amazing deeds".


Aussie John said...


My concern doesn't mean that I have the answers. I don't! It seems to me that I've spent a lifetime of ministry learning the fact.
I see things today in leadership, which I remember as being in me, in earlier days, and what I see concerns me!
I know this: We need to learn very quickly that "those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are in fact indispensable" (1 Cor.12:22 ISV).

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