can never remember reading about any light being shone in
understanding theological matters, no matter how orthodox, without there being, at least some, charges of
heresy, or something similar. There seems to be a tendency to jump to
conclusions about what someone says or writes, without careful
examination of the teaching, or facts.
has certainly been true historically, and still true today,
especially in regard to the New Covenant, which, some seem to think is a new thing.
During the latter few years I've
sometimes been amused by the knee-jerk negative comments, but, more
often concerned for those (some in "high places") who make them,
when they, who ought to know better, get themselves worked up about
something without careful investigation.
I am a firm believer in the great doctrines of grace as espoused in the Great Reformation, but, I abhor the loveless, ungracious way in which disagreement is handled, by and often poorly informed and pettishly, and petulantly, voiced, by those who share my doctrinal convictions.
chap, by the name of David
H J Gay
has recently published a book called “Four Antinomians Tried and
can be read online/downloaded at the following site:
book looks at the lives and charges which were leveled at these three
men; John Saltmarsh, Tobias Crisp and John Eaton, names which are not
familiar to many today, yet well known in 17th century Calvinistic
Saltmarsh, Crisp and Eaton were labelled
Antinomians by 17th century Calvinistic Puritans who got their tails
in a twist because of the writing and preaching of these men. They were was dismissed as heretical and highly dangerous. The disappointing aspect of what happened to these fellows, is that under the guise of concern, much ignorance was being shown. Even more disappointing is the fact that this behavior is still going on today.
the beginning Gay warns the reader, “.....if,
without looking into the matter for yourself, you are prepared to
accept the verdict of the aforesaid Reformed writers, then this book
is not for you. If, however, having read the small print, you are
still disposed to take the risk, read on. If you do, and if your
experience is anything like mine, your heart will be warmed. Your
eyes will be opened to what you have been missing. In perusing the
works of these four 'antinomians', I have found Christ, and the free
grace of God in justification, set before me in a way I had not known
before. As a consequence, I have come to realise that, as a believer,
being in Christ makes me far richer than ever I had thought. For
decades, I have had a dry, technical, academic -- altogether too low
and impoverished -- view of justification. I simply had not realised
how vast a treasure we believers have in Christâs free justification
of us. Time and again, of course, I had sung: 'How vast the treasure
we possess' and 'How vast the benefits divine which we in Christ
possess!', but I had simply not appreciated what I was singing about!
In producing this volume, that has been changed; permanently, I hope.
What is more, I have found these four men, as the New Testament,
repeatedly calling me to godliness. But -- and here's the rub -- I
have found them telling me again and again that sanctification is not
by the law. No! They have one theme, the theme of the New Testament.
Which is? Christ is all! These men have driven me to Christ, and made
me see that I must look to him â not to the law, not to my works,
but to Christ -- for everything: for justification, sanctification,
assurance and glorification. And for this these men should be
commended, not vilified. In publishing this volume, therefore,
besides doing good to others, I hope I have gone some way towards
repaying the great debt I owe them”.
I cannot help wondering what some would demand from those who ought to be embraced as brethren, and what would be understood as actually causing one to be a brother/sister in Christ.
C. H. Spurgeon obviously had a much more Scriptural, view of the words of fellows such as these, as he observed, "Antinomianism was the term applied to the teaching of Dr. Tobias Crisp... He was called an Antinomian, but the term was misapplied." Pages 123-124. The Sword and The Trowel. (London: Passmore and Alabaster, 1887).
The Prince of Preachers commented again, saying, "Never was there a sounder divine than Crisp, and never one who preached the gospel more fully to all under heaven." Page 104. The Reverend C. H. Spurgeon's Anecdotes and Stories, Oliver Creyton, Editor. (London).
Even the presiding officer at the Westminster Assembly, spoke positively of Crisp. It was William Twisse, who remarked that he had, "read Dr. Crisp's Sermons, and could give no reason why they were opposed, but because so many were converted by his preaching”; he added. I think rather pointedly, “so few by ours." Pages 67 in John Rippon's, A Brief Memoir of the Life and Writings of John Gill. (London: J. Bennett, 1838).
crown the expressions of honour, Thomas
the Principal of St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, in 1656,
I had only one hundred pounds in the world, and Dr. Crisp's book
could not be procured for less than fifty, I would give that sum
rather than be without it; I have found more satisfaction in it, than
in all the books in the world, except the Bible." Pages
vii. "Memoir of the Life of Tobias Crisp."
Heretical and highly dangerous. Huh?
sermons, “Christ Alone Exalted, With
explanatory notes by John Gill, The
New Covenant of Free Grace” can be read, or, downloaded at:
John Gill wrote this of Tobias Crisp:
“........... being far from pride, vanity, and self-conceitedness, and full of meekness, lowliness, and tender-heartedness; whereby it appeared, that the gospel of Christ had a very great influence upon his soul, and which engaged him to preach it freely …... but reproach and persecution, his doctrine being falsely charged with Antinomianism …....”
How I wish these words could be said of any of us who dare to be so quick with word and pen.
Saltmarsh, Tobias Crisp or John Eaton were antinomians, but they did
understand what it means to live under the New Covenant ratified by
the life, death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, which, by
the way is no new fad, but the old truth,of Ephesians 2:8,9, intended from creation.
By the way: A good read can be found here!
By the way: A good read can be found here!